National Medical Library World's largest medical library, includes Medline and  Pubmed.
WFNS World federation of Neurosurgeons Website
CNS Congress of Neurological Surgeons Website
NSI  Website of the Neurological society of India
NBRC- Website of the National Brain Research Centre of  India.
Young Neurosurgeons  For selected programs and offerings of special interest to young  neurosurgeons
Cochrane Reviews For systematic reviews & evidence based health care.
Clinical Evidence For evidence based medicine
CMEs- For case studies and CMEs.
Life in Neurosurgery- A forum for  neurosurgeons
Indmedica For an Indian medical portal.
MedInd- For information needs of Indian medical community.
Doctor's Guide For  comprehensive source for peer-reviewed literature, case studies, webcasts and more.
Neurosurvival For Computer assisted learning sections, information and references for learners and practitioners.
Clinical Trials  For recent clinical trials.
Neuroanatomy -- For a comprehensive site on Neuroanatomy and embryology.
Neuroexamination For precise neurological examination.
Medical Images
For medical images on the web
Brain-life For a comprehensive brain tumor database.
Spine Universe  Spinal Disorders and  Surgical Videos.
Spine Health --- Spinal Disorders and  Surgical Videos.
Internet Handbook A very useful  handbook of Neurosciences
Netsurgery - Audio/video web-casts.
Ind Med  Database for peer reviewed Indian biomedical journals.
NINDS For  biomedical research on disorders of the CNS.
Mind & Brain For neuroinformatics tools, services, and databases.
Medical News --- For   the latest medical news.
TTMeD --- For timely topics in Medicine.
Medscape- For free articles.
MD linx -- For latest articles.
Merckmedicus - Web resources, & e-tools for the patients and the physicians.
Health Library - For a versatile databank for the patients and the physicians.
Neurogate For a quick neurosurgical search
Medical  Student - - For a digital library for medical students & patients.
Neuroguide  For links to Neurosciences on the internet.